Try these delightful bitefuls made with sweetened granola cereal in the topping. Is it dessert? Is it breakfast? You decide! Garnish with whipped cream,...
These are absolutely adorable, pretty easy to make, and the perfect treat to bring to a Halloween party. I brought them to my 2-year-old's school party...
These are absolutely adorable, pretty easy to make, and the perfect treat to bring to a Halloween party. I brought them to my 2-year-old's school party...
This tried-and-true recipe remains my favorite today. This cake tastes wonderful. The apple filling keeps it moist. Apple Cream Coffee Cake is always on...
This tried-and-true recipe remains my favorite today. This cake tastes wonderful. The apple filling keeps it moist. Apple Cream Coffee Cake is always on...
A delicious cake suitable for gift giving. The cake is great fresh, but better when aged. It is best to make around Thanksgiving to be ready for Christmas....
This delicious cake combines apples, brown sugar, and cardamom to create a moist, flavorful and fragrant cake. It's the perfect breakfast cake because...
There are very few Jewish Apple Cake recipes on Allrecipes, so after writing a review for the best one I could find and adding my own tips, I found that...
These cookies are fun to make and especially fun to eat. They are fluffy, tasty and healthy, too! Use different assorted candies and fruits to fill these...
This was my Mom's recipe. Easy and quick to make. Apples and walnuts are packed into a cinnamon spiced blonde brownie. Always a hit when I bring it to...
This is a recipe I created after receiving a deep fryer for Christmas. These come out tasting just like little mini apple pies or apple empanadas. Beware:...
An old fashioned recipe my mother has made since 1954. You add a cooked syrup over the apples, and top with a flour combination topping. It is a different...
This recipe keeps well and freezes even better. My family and friends love it. Great for those parties when you need to take a dessert or just because...
There are very few Jewish Apple Cake recipes on Allrecipes, so after writing a review for the best one I could find and adding my own tips, I found that...
This is a great, quick, and easy apple crisp with no cleanup. The apples are soft with a little crispness and mix great with the crumble topping. You can...
My Romanian family all make some version of this dense apple walnut cake every autumn. I think it's common to Germans, Austrians, and Hungarians too. I'm...